Looking back at our first science fair as a kid, telescope has always been part of the exhibition. In our science subjects, telescope is the most renowned and the most unforgettable equipment or tool that our teachers described and taught us. We might have forgotten the importance of telescope not only in our modern generation, but also in the past where we formed all the things that we have now in the future. Today, we are going to take a look back of this important technological development ever invented in the entire history of astronomy that opened the doors for people to discover a lot of great and beautiful things outside our planet. Because of the invention of telescopes, we are able to unfold the part of the universe and we were able to unleash some of the uncertainties in the past. That is why, it is also necessary, even for common people to be aware and to have knowledge of this beautiful man made creation. In this article, we are going to take a look back about best telescope for planets and everything about it, definition, uses, history and the impact it has brought to the human kind.
What is a reflecting telescope? According to some online sources, a reflecting telescope which is also called as a reflector is a type of telescope that utilizes single or combined curved mirrors reflecting the light to form an image. In vernacular, reflecting telescope is an equipment designed to reflect an object with the use of light through curved mirrors. This tool is used to examine the visible region of a particular electromagnetic spectrum but it also explores both longer and shorter wavelength regions adjacent to it. The name of a reflecting telescope came from the meaning of the word itself – reflecting the light to further see an object.
Historically speaking, Isaac Newton has been recognized with creating the very first reflecting telescope in the year 1668. It utilized a spherically ground metal and a tiny diagonal mirror in an optical configuration which was known as the Newtonian telescope. In spite of the advantages of the design of the reflector, the construction and performance of the first reflecting telescopes had come to a very long process of development and advancement before it has officially established into a more functional and advanced one in the history and astronomy. Today, telescope has been a very huge help in reflecting the universe and everything around it.
How does it work?
Generally, when light strikes a surface that it could not pass through, it bounces back. Now, of the surface of a particular object or matter is smooth, which is like a a mirror, the light will definitely reflect in a very expected way. Consequently, curved mirrors have the ability to bend light and make parallel light rays. Thus, making it possible for the telescope to maximize the clarity of the object it is focusing. Today, reflecting telescope has been used to discover more interaction in our solar system.