Every geek despite their age should be allowed to express themselves! With the Text message baby clothing line, babies and kids can now express themselves in the geekiest way possible and without having to drool all over mommies new iphone! The new online store offers fun and funky eco-friendly baby clothes with style. Printed with cute text messages and emoticons, these wee clothes are the chic new look for the next geek generation.
Noob or Newbie Baby Onsie
IWMB- I Want My Binkie Baby Onesie
QT- Cutie Organic Baby Onesie
LMDO- Laugh My Diaper Off Baby Onesie
WWW- Princess Baby Onesie
<”/))))>< – Little Disciple Baby Onesie
Little Angel Baby Onesie
m/>_<m/ -Rock On Baby Onesie