
How are you going to make sublimation plaques with the help of a heat press machine?

If you want to commemorate any special event or occasion, then you will always need good quality and top-notch sublimation plaques. With the help of these plaques you can honor someone special, recognize an organization or do a lot of other things. Sublimation plaques can be easily done if you know how you can make them. 

Using a heat press is one of the easiest way to do so. If you have never tried using a heat press machine to make sublimation plaques, then don’t worry. We have got you a complete guide on how you will be able to make them using the machine and get professional results every time! Meanwhile, check the best heat press machine that you can purchase to make the plaques.

Step-by-Step Guide of Making Plaques

For those of you who have never created any sublimation plaque following the steps which we are going to mention can be a bit hectic at first but eventually you will get on with the flow. Here is the step-by-step guide of making sublimation plaques using a heat press machine – 

  • Design the templates – the first thing you need to decide is the design and choice of template that you are going to make in the press machine. Discuss the details of the design with your team mates or manager and get it done perfectly. You need to be absolutely sure about the design. Try out different and unique shapes for the plaque and use the colors that represent the theme well. You can make full use of different editors and platforms in order to create the design template.
  • Get on With Printing – now, once the design has been finalized, you will need to print it. But, whilst doing so, you have to keep in mind that you must print the design in reverse. If your editor automatically mirrors the image, then very good, it saves you from the task. If not, then do remember to mirror the image manually. After the printing is done with, you have some more images important steps to follow in the process.
  • Pre-Press To Avoid a Mess – before you press the plaque for the final round, it is a good idea to pre press blank. Heat your machine to a temperature of around 400°F and then place the side which is blank face up the machine for 30 – 40 seconds. Now cover the plaque with a thin protective sheet of Silicone or any kind of polyester fabric. This will protect the plaque from overheating. But, don’t use teflon because it creates moisture.
  • Trim Your Design and Line Up – sublimation plaques are usually thick and come with beveled edge, this can reduce visibility when you are aligning the design. That is why we suggest you to trim the paper around the outline of the shape. Do it by putting the paper face upwards on a flat surface and then align your plaque. Now, hold the paper along with the plaque steadily while taping both of them together for better stability.
  • Press the Machine – at the end, you will need to press the machine for the final impression. At Temperature: 400° F, Time: 30-45 seconds and the Pressure: Medium (4-5 bars), you will need to press the machine firmly. Hold for the specified time and then lift the machine up. Peel away the tape which was fixed for trimming the design and now you have a perfectly made sublimation plaque with the heat press machine.

So, these are all the steps that you will need to follow in order to make sublimation plaques with the help of a heat press machine. Use the best heat press machine in order to get efficient and very precise results every time you use it.

Final Words – using a heat press machine is quite simple if you follow the techniques and instructions that are provided. Making sublimation plaques using such a machine will allow you to get unique and beautiful plaques of top quality that you can use for various purpose. Read our step-by-step guide carefully!