

Is Cosmetic Surgery Right for You?

In today’s society, there is a lot of pressure to look perfect. Magazine covers, television shows, and movies are saturated with perfection. Examples like these often make everyday women consider going under the knife. Most women who aren’t completely satisfied with how they look have considered cosmetic surgery at some […]


Veet’s Raser Bladeless Kit Versus Sally Hansens Extra Strength Hair Remover Lotion

Most women want smooth legs, but do price and hype really set hair removers apart? Initially, I was interested in trying the VEET® Rasera® Bladeless™ Kit after seeing their commercial while I was watching television. You can visit their website at and view their latest ad. While I was […]


All About Botox Treatment

Botulinum Toxin or “Botox” is a natural toxin created by bacteria that causes botulism. In small doses, Botox is a very safe alternative to plastic surgery facial lifts. Botox has been used for cosmetic purposes only recently, since the mid-1990s. Before this time Botox was used on a variety of […]