
Guide, Internet, Review

Is the Over Consumption of Entertainment, Celebrity, and Reality News a Bad Look for America?

Many of us are aware that Facebook has become the number one social networking sharing site on the web. It’s almost unreal at how quick information transmitted and readily available through social media. One of the things that I often see my Facebook news flooded with, is celebrity and entertainment […]

Blog, Guide, Internet and Businesses Online, Social Media

Top 5 Websites to Buy Followers and Likes to Grow Your Instagram Account

Instagram is considered to be one of the most popular and fastest growing social media platforms in the world. With millions and millions of people across the globe who are using this channel, it is no doubt that Instagram has evolved from practically photo application to a giant social media platform. Instagram is not only […]

Guide, Marriage, Relationship

How much time is long for Waiting for a Marriage Proposal?

I’ve been in my relationship for a little over a year and a half. We’ve been living together since the beginning, a big mistake, but that’s another article. We started discussing marriage casually from the beginning, and the discussion got slightly more serious about two months into our relationship. In […]


The Dos And Donts Of Lie Detection Test

Lie detection tests are carried out to check the credibility quotient of a subject involved in a controversial situation. Although lie detector in UK is broadly used on sex offenders yet the test is applicable on civil lawsuit probes as well. Also, known as polygraph tests, this test is used […]